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Employee Theft Investigations - Private Investigators
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Employee Theft / Employee Misconduct

Employee theft Investigations

Employee Theft Investigations / Misconduct Investigations

Our private investigators and certified fraud examiners conduct business investigations and asset investigations to help organizations with their critical fact-finding when they need to conduct internal investigations or to examine allegations of wrongdoing. Whether or not actual misconduct is discovered, such inquiries, and their aftermath, can pose severe risks to companies and their stakeholders, damaging their reputation, disrupting their business operations. Misconduct can also expose them to government scrutiny, and potential criminal, civil, and regulatory liability. Brener Investigations Group services have helped clients successfully resolve investigations promptly and with minimal business disruption.

Private Investigators with Brener Investigations Group have years of experience conducting employee theft investigations.  From real-life examples to scenarios played out in conferences, we continue to improve our skills by staying current on the most recent trends involving theft, deterrence, and punishment.

There are three major categories of asset misappropriation schemes: cash receipts schemes, fraudulent disbursements of cash and, schemes involving the theft of inventory and other non-cash assets.


Skimming is the removal of cash from a victim entity prior to its entry into an accounting system. Employees who skim from their companies steal sales or receivables before they are recorded in the company books.

Skimming is one of the most common forms of occupational fraud. It can occur at any point where cash enters a business, so almost anyone who deals with the process of receiving cash might be in a position to skim money.

Sales Skimming

The most basic skimming scheme occurs when an employee sells goods or services to a customer and collects the customer’s payment, but makes no record of the sale. The employee simply pockets the money received from the customer instead of turning it over to his employer.

Register Manipulation

Some employees might ring a “no sale” or other non cash transaction to mask the theft of sales. The false transaction is entered on the register so it appears a sale was made. The perpetrator opens the register drawer and pretends to place the cash he has just received in the drawer, but in reality, he pockets it. To the casual observer, it looks as though the sale was properly recorded.

False Discounts

Those employees with the authority to grant discounts might use this authority to skim sales and receivables. In a false discount skimming scheme, an employee accepts full payment for an item, but records the transaction as if the customer was given a discount.


Lapping customer payments is one of the most common methods of concealing receivables skimming. Lapping is the crediting of one account through the abstraction of money from another account. It is the fraudster’s version of “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

How Can A Private Investigator Help With Investigating Employee Theft?

Brener Investigations Group will help your organization detect and prevent employee theft and misconduct.  Our private investigators and certified fraud examiners use a multi-step approach to gather evidence, including background investigations, asset investigations and surveillance.  We can then advise on control implementations and education on preventing future schemes.